Monday, December 20, 2010

Beau and Belle's 2010 Recap

Top 5 Reality TV Moments (this list clearly sponsored by Bravo)
1. The Salahi's break into the White House - RHODC
2. Allison Dubois and her electronic cigarette - RHOBH
3. Scary Island - Housewives of NYC visit St John and KKB loses her sh*t
4. Nene to Greg "Ah have NEY-VA done. you. wrong!"
5. Heidi unveils 10 plastic surgeries

Top 5 Hookups
1.Taylor Swift and Jake
2. Jessica Bowers and Justin Bieber
3. Kim Zolciak and her baby daddy
4. Chelsea Handler and 50 cent
5. Kurt and Blaine (does it get any better than Teenage Dream?? Can you say Gay Glee Love 10 times fast??)

Top 5 Breakups
1. Jesse and Sandra
2. Scarlett and Ryan
3. Heidi Montag and Darlene Egelhoff
4. Simon Cowell and American Idol
5. Jill Zarin and Bethenny Frankel

Top 5 Beau and Belle moments
1. Beau running the NYC marathon! (he's so fast, the camera can't even focus)

2. Celebrating Belle's 27th bday at the glee live concert (adidas track suits and all)

3. Coming up with our Top 5 lists for 2010
4. Bronx Zoo 5k (the snow leopard, the polar bear, the bison, it was all amazing)
5. Adventurous run to Liberty State Park

Top 5 Books (did you know Beau and Belle are book buddies among other things? Well that just ended when Beau got a kindle for Hanukah. Beau reports that the books on Kindle have different endings so we can no longer be book buddies. This could be a top breakup)
1. Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
2. Born To Run - Christopher Mcdougall

3. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
4. Freedom - Jonathan Franzen
5. The Help - Kathryn Stockett

Top 5 New Shows
1. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, BRAVO (thank you Andrew Cohen)
2. The Walking Dead, AMC
3. Sisterwives, TLC (so good)

4. Bridalplasty, E!
5. Belle just discovered ABC's Modern Family and wants that as the 5th. Beau wants Animal Hoarders as his 5th.

Top 5 Movies we saw together
1. Harry Potter 7 Part 1 (tears were shed) - "Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only meant to maim, or seriously injure!"
2. Easy A - "I want a one hundred dollar gift card deposited into my locker by noon tomorrow. Preferably to The Gap, but I'd also take, or Office Max. Actually make it Office Max - I have my eye on a label maker."
3. The Social Network - "If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you'd have invented Facebook."
4. Burlesque - "Alice, hmm? Well, welcome to Wonderland."
5. Toy Story 3 - "Oh! That's just a dinosaur toy down the street, that's nothing, let just take care of that."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

If There Had Been Glee Club In High School...

... I wouldn't have had to lie to my mom and pretend I was in winter track.

... Our homemade production of Scream would have been a musical, with numbers such as "I Don't Want to Die Tonight," "Sydney, Sydney," and "You Can't Stop the Blade."

... I wouldn't have eaten lunch alone in the auditorium.

... But I would have eaten tots with Mercedes. Even had a Tot-Off to raise money for a handicapped bus for sectionals.

... I would have had an extracurricular activity that wasn't a lie on my college applications.

... I wouldn't have denied my Jazz Band membership from the 8th grade.

... I wouldn't have bought so many Coke slurpees from 7-11 because they were always getting thrown in my face.

... I wouldn't have worked at a supermarket.

... My entrance to the Winter Gala wouldn't have involved a water bottle filled with vodka and an Apple and Eve juicebox. It would have been a flash mob dance-off to "All I Want For Christmas is You."

... I would have had a part in a school play. Instead of Asian Tourist #2.

... We would have started this blog 10 years ago.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Scream 4-15-2011

Every generation a movie comes along that will change the way we think. Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, Schindler’s List, Avatar. For Beau that film was Scream 1,2 + 3. Mainly Scream 2 but for the purpose of this blog entry I’ll say Scream 1,2 + 3. “WELL THERE’S ONE THING YOU’RE FORGETTING ABOUT BILLY LOOMIS… I FUCKING KILLED HIM” (Sorry. I have Scream tourettes where I get an uncontrollable urge to shout or type quotes from these movies) I was thrilled when production started on my favorite film franchise because I had honestly thought the ghost face killer had tripped over his final sofa, or popped out of his last closet, or had sliced his metallic blade into the soft fleshy torso of his final victim… but no... he’s back! I’LL SEND YOU A COPY. BAM! BITCH WENT DOWN And one thing I’ve learned from watching the trailer fourteen hundred times is that he’s stronger, scarier and deadlier than ever. Scream 4 promises to be another meta movie, where the killer is actually filming his own murders and if you pause the trailer at 0:48 you can see him setting up a camera for Gale to find. SURPRISE SURPRISE SOMEONE DIES AND GALE COMES RUNNING. This movie looks great and the best part is, it's coming to theaters so soon!

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Monday, September 27, 2010

RIP Old Rose

RIP Old Rose (Gloria Stuart - 1910 to 2010)

We will always remember you as Old Rose. We will keep you close in our hearts, near, far, wherever you are.

Belle's favorite Old Rose quote - "You mean, did we 'do it'? Sorry to disappoint you Mr. Bodine, but Jack was very professional."

Beau's favorite Old Rose quote - "It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cyber Bully

- sung to Lady Gaga's 'Paparazzi'

Dedicated to our favorite anonymous commentator

You are a nut
When act-acting out
what would j bobby do
here's a link for a clue
It's so technical
Our blogspot's so fantastical

Comments and screens
You can't handle us
Not sure what gidget means
But your comments enough
And you paid the price
Ready for a cyber fight
'Cause we know that baby, You're

You're our biggest fan
Your comments were disbanded, sorry
Cyber, Cyber Bully
You are just the worst, a psychopathic turd, a Nazi
Cyber, Cyber Bully

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Goodbye New Orleans

The following is a series of texts sent between Beau and Belle September 15, 2010

Subject: Real World finale

Belle -> Beau 10:00pm
Ok make your prediction, who will be the last one to leave? i think knight

Beau -> Belle 10:10pm
I think Jemmye. god pablo was a good time

Belle -> Beau 10:11 pm
Right? Also who did he tell that bad stuff to? Was that a facebook status? I didn't get it

Beau -> Belle 10:14pm
I think he was talking to her friend. I love the house

Belle -> Beau 10:15pm
I'm like crying this is so good

Beau -> Belle 10:15pm
Vanette is adorable

Beau -> Belle 10:28pm
What a GREAT group of people

Belle -> Beau 10:28pm
I want so badly to be at that crawfish boil, I tweeted ashlee

Beau -> Belle 10:36pm
I'm definitely going to cry

Belle -> Beau 10:37pm
Omg I don't want to say goodbye, I'm alternating crying and grinning

Beau -> Belle 10:42pm
I'm dying I cant watch this its too sad. Marty!

Belle -> Beau 10:44pm
This is the saddest thing I've ever watched

Belle -> Beau 10:44pm
You're right it will end with jemmye

Beau -> Belle 10:45pm
I've been to a concentration camp. And I didnt cry this much

Belle -> Beau 10:46pm
This better end with scenes from the reunion, I'm devasted

Beau -> Belle 10:49pm
Ashlee better do challenges

Great season! Thanks for the memories!!!


Beau + Belle

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Going to the Movies Rap

Heading to the movies gonna get me some Starburst
EAT, PRAY, LOVE starring Julia Roberts
The girl behind the counter asks if I'm a movie star.
Thank you Consuelo, I'm a fan of Avatar
Yeah I'm painted bright blue
Bitch I see you too.
I punch her in the face and I take my Kettle corn
Head into the theater cause thats where my movie's shown.
I dont mess around
When it comes to finding seats
Like to get there really early so I can nom on all my treats.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Beau's Haiku

we love you Asia
konichiwa yes we do
we love all our fans

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Teen mom
Umbilical cord

Loving Carly
Valentine's Day