Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Sung to Natasha Bedingfield's UNWRITTEN

I am a blogger
I like to blog
Blog on my blog

It’s called What
Would justin bobby do
It’s in cyberlaaaaaand

Staring at the sweatpants before you
Open up a bag of doritos
Let the taste illuminate the night that you have now planned
Reaching for the remote control on the table
So close it’s almost 10 pm
Turn on your television.
Watch the Hills on your set
No one else can watch it for you
Only you - high definition
No one else, no one else
Can type the words on your screen
Think of blogs you’ve left unspoken
Sing along if you like joking.
Tonight is where your blog begins
Next verse is still unbloggen.


Anonymous said...

Hey Beau & Belle...I'm a huge fan of wwjbd....this next question is directed towards Beau. How come you've written this blog for so long and no one ever reads it, and you have no loyal fans or followers?!? Just wondering?

Your only fan...

ZigZags said...

Hey Anonymous,

Why don't you grow a pair and fuck yourself.

