well, it was originally titled what soup would justin bobby eat on fridays night mondays dinner. blogspot.com but we realized our demographic wasnt grandmothers
I knew that Paris was going to change everything...
Beau, Belle, and Lauren Conrad's Cousin
Beau, Belle, and LC's cousin
Where's Bella?
The Hills Trivia... with Belle!
During season 3, Lauren and Jason run into Heidi and Spencer at a restaurant. What is the name of the restaurant?
Lauren's boss at Teen Vogue, Lisa Love, asks her to secure two extra tickets to the Jennifer Nicholson runway show during LA fashion week. Who are the two Vogue editors she must get the tickets for?
One of Lauren's first responsibilites at her hip Teen Vogue internship is to send out invitations for a party. What famous actor do Lauren and Whitney send an invitation to, and gush about? Answer: Josh Duhamel
this blog should be called what would make face look like in weird pictures . blogspot . com
well, it was originally titled what soup would justin bobby eat on fridays night mondays dinner. blogspot.com but we realized our demographic wasnt grandmothers
I want more trivia Belle! love, Aimee
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