Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Dirt Alert

Look familiar?

That's right folks, we're told Hillside Villas is not the actual name of LC and Audrina's pad

Also, is it true that Heidi and Spencer don't actually live at their apartment? A source close to the couple tells Belle and Beau that they just film for the show there. They actually live with Spencer's parents.

This should not be surprising for those of you who tuned into the aftershow following Spencer's visit to Crested Butte. Heidi said that she sees his parents all the time, and that they "practically live with them."

This brings up so many questions; if they live with his parents, why the concern over if they know about their wedding? Is the wedding really going to happen? Is this the biggest hoax in TV history?

For those of you who were offended by Spence's lil sis, check out her dark past. Just goes to show, anyone who offends Frankie Delgado has another thing coming...


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